Guggenheim City draws new perspectives for the higher cultural institution by avoiding its preassumed meanings associated with the introvert, the iconic and the elite and through the composition of different interior and exterior spaces to construct the museum as an actual extension of Helsinki, capable of mediating between formal and informal culture, art and recreation, interior and urbanity.
The Guggenheim City weaves museum and city together to form a lively community, that reintroduce the harbourfront as a central place in the city: A space rich and divers enough to grasp the continous development of numerous Helsinki lifestyles. In doing so, the city offers multiple and flexible possibilities for continuous gallery flows, urban infrastructure paths and series of public spaces changing meaning according to climatic and functional necessity.
Welcome to the Guggenheim City !

Guggenheim City is a collaborative work between Studio Fountainhead and MGG Architects in transit. Copyright 2014 Studio Fountainhead + Maria Gomez-Guillamon